White's MX Sport Metal Detector Review
White's is recognized internationally as the leader in metal detection equipment, and the MX Sport is one of this brand's most coveted designs. With a solidly mid-range MSRP, the MX Sport isn't something you'll buy on a whim. If you're serious about finding treasure under your feet, however, this offering from White's provides near-professional features at a consumer-friendly price point.
Certain aspects of the MX Sport are admittedly gimmicky and geared toward the holiday shopper. Further fine-tuned control over the detection apparatus and fewer unnecessary features would make the MX Sport so professional that it wouldn't truly be consumer-grade anymore. What matters is that the internal components included in this offering from White's are so high-end that a few user optimization issues aren't much to worry about.
Traditionally, impediments like rocks, moisture, and salt have made metal detection harder than it needs to be. The MX Sport accounts for these aggravations with new imaging technology, and it manages it all in a package that comes in at just under 1.8 kilograms. Keep your rechargeable AA batteries on hand, and you're in for a day of fun in the sun that might just end up being highly profitable.
Like most modern metal detectors, the MX Sport features an ergonomic handle that ends in the main body of the unit. Midway along the handle, there's a display with a few buttons. With these buttons, the user can augment the configuration of the metal detector to account for environmental conditions and the type of object that the user is searching for.
Overall, the MX Sport has a sleeker and more ergonomic appearance than other metal detectors in its class. The entire unit has the look of professional prospecting equipment, which the MX Sport can be used for if so desired. In the end, however, this model is more of a hobbyist's device, and despite offering professional features, the MX Sport is all about the joy of discovery.
Technical specifications
Here are all the nitty-gritty details that make the MX Sport such a quality piece of machinery:
- VCO technology modulates the sound produced by the instrument as it passes over the target. This form of natural echolocation makes it easier for the user to find the buried object.
- Salt Track accounts for the saltiness of the strata. Traditionally, salt in beach sand has interfered with metal detection technology, but this feature accounts for salinity in soil.
- 1.8 kilograms in weight
- Telescoping handle to accommodate different arm lengths
- 8 AAA batteries provide up to 20 hours of operating life
- Fully waterproof enclosure for use in aquatic environments
- 13.8 kilohertz base frequency with five frequency shift variations
- Replaceable 10-inch DD coil
- 20-segment discrimination zone for maximum accuracy
The main controls on the MX Sport are the power button and the Control Pod. This control area consists of a variety of buttons that have different functions depending on whether the detector is in Search or Options mode.
In Search Mode, you can use the Control Pod to change the sensitivity of the detector and toggle PinPoint mode. Once Options Mode is enabled, you'll be able to fine-tune the system options that allow your detector to function.
Search Modes
There are seven main search modes on the White's MX Sport:
1. Coin & Jewelry
This mode rejects all negative VDI numbers and reverts to a single tone. It is used to find metals made from gold, silver, platinum, and other common currency and jewelry materials.
2. All Metal
This mode has no discriminations. It is the MX Sport's “pure metal detector” form, and it will pick up any form of metallic object under your feet.
3. Beach
This mode is the same as Coin & Jewelry, but it has a four-tone mode. Salt tracking is also enabled for an optimized beach-hunting experience.
4. Prospecting
This mode is essentially the same as All Metal, but it reverts to Iron Grunt mode, which is optimized for finding metal in its natural or ore form.
5. High Trash
This mode rejects VDI numbers below +15, which makes it ideal for finding trash that has buried itself in reasonably shallow layers of strata. Objects found with Hi Trash mode were most likely only abandoned recently.
6. Relic
Relic mode rejects the opposite range as Hi Trash by blocking out everything with VDI numbers below -10. This mode is optimized for finding lost objects that have been buried deep over the course of time.
7. Pinpoint Mode
While not listed as a main mode, Pinpoint Mode adds incredible accuracy to the performance of your MX Sport. You can engage it within any other mode, and Pinpoint Mode is helpful when you're homing in on a buried object.
Coming from White's, it's expected that the MX Sport will be a genuine piece of equipment, which it is. High-end components combined with a sleek body make the MX Sport one of the most affordable and attractive metal detectors on the market today.
This versatile piece of equipment accounts for environmental variances like salty and wet conditions, and features like Pinpoint Mode make the MX Sport resemble professional metal-detecting equipment. Most importantly, total waterproofing makes the MX Sport ready for true expeditions.
Many of the search modes appear to overlap. Some seem more gimmicky than practical, which confusingly appeals to newbies and experienced metal hunters simultaneously while failing to fully cater to either customer group. The mechanical components and brand trust are all there, but the MX Sport lacks a certain user-friendliness that could take it a long way from being an easily-forgotten Christmas toy to a genuine piece of professional equipment.
For the amateur treasure hunter who wants to indulge in professional-grade equipment, there's no better option than the MX Sport. Over the decades, White's has proved itself as the premier metal detector brand for amateurs and dedicated hobbyists alike, and sound engineering combined with an intuitive user interface promise endless hours of discovery and fun.
True metal detector connoisseurs may be disappointed by the overabundance of modes offered by the MX Sport. Each of the parameters these modes offer can also be controlled manually, but a simpler user interface might have appealed more to professionals and less to window shoppers.
In a nutshell, it's a solid performer and tough to beat.
It is a good choice for those that are serious about finding treasures under the sand, dirt, or grass. This high-tech model accounts for factors like soil salinity with ease, and a multi-tone system combined with pinpoint targeting makes homing in on your prize easier than ever.
White's delivers superior hardware in an intuitive package, and trust the MX Sport to deliver endless treasures into your lap with minimal effort on your part. Best of all, never worry about dropping your metal detector in the water; in the end, waterproofing is the best feature of the MX Sport from White's.